Dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus.
Cum sociis natoque penati magnis.
Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue vulputate.
Laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor fusce auctor.
Morbi leo risus, porta consectetur purus.
Cura bitur es blandit tempus porttitor.
I was born on the other side of this world. At the beginning of my existence I was nothing but a small ball of chirpy contentment, inside growing was a questioning, inquisitive mind. With every book, every drawing, every crumb of knowledge the hunger increased. It is not easy never to be satisfied with the life given, instead I was blessed (cursed?) with a rebellious streak, so different from my brother, that in a moment of madness or absolute clarity I finally decided to abandon everything. Two days after I turned old enough to vote I took a small handful of my possessions, chartered a flight and never looked back.
My mother has never forgiven me and probably never will, and while it might sound cruel, the alternative would have been worse: to be forever trapped in a golden cage dreaming of freedom and losing my mind one day at a time.
It would be easy to say that my travels were wonderful. That for the many years spent all over the world only miracles and beauty were part of my life, when the truth is that every breathtaking marvel was counter balanced by a hideous monstrosity.
Being an artistic receptive person did not help, it magnified the brilliance of beauty and nobility but also paralyzed when confronted by ugliness, crime and deceit.
While I have given up on my nomadic lifestyle many years ago, my journey has not yet ended. It will cease with the the last breath of air I take, one distant day in the future, here in a place so far, far away from where I was born.
I was born on the other side of this world. At the beginning of my existence I was a small ball of chirpy contentment which was unfortunately too soon replaced by an ever questi0ning inquisitive mind. With every little gulp of knowledge I tasted and with every book I read, the restlessness inside increased.
When I was old enough to be able to decide on my existence, I took a small handful of my possessions and started traveling the world.
Maecenas in quam magna. lorem volutpat vehicula. Vivamus eros justo, adipiscing feugiat aliquam a, congue nec purus. Duis odio felis, accumsan fermentum sed, vulputate vitae nibh.
Fusce porta ipsum tempus lorem volutpat vehicula. Vivamus eros justo, adipiscing feugiat aliquam a, congue nec purus. Duis odio felis, accumsan fermentum sed, vulputate vitae nibh.
Maecenas in quam magna. lorem volutpat vehicula. Vivamus eros justo, adipiscing feugiat aliquam a, congue nec purus. Duis odio felis, accumsan fermentum sed, vulputate vitae nibh.